Dear “Just Incredible “ sisters
Words cannot adequately express how grateful I am for my Chapter JI sisters and my time with you.
But I’ll try to say a few things anyway!
When I arrived in Colorado I was totally new and alone, trying to deal with the traumatic events of Laura’s mental health crisis. Chapter JI sisters lent a listening ear, and lots of love and support. It meant so much!
I was very honored to serve as President of the Chapter, many years after I was President of my NYC chapter as a very new PEO. It was very fulfilling to serve as a much more experienced member with more time on my hands. Especially during Covid!
We have had so many wonderful times together as a new chapter, sponsoring many deserving women with our projects, enjoying social events, and discussing books in book group. Chapter JI is a unique group of sisters who really love and support each other, and I’m so glad I have been a part of it these past seven years.
Thank you for the special send off on Wednesday, I love the earrings, I may be able to wear them for Emily’s wedding! And I can’t wait to explore the East Passyunk Avenue neighborhood in Philadelphia and make use of the gift certificate at A Novel Idea😇
Much love in P.E.O.,